Porsche Panamera

Porsche Panamera

Italy (Bologna)

  • Transmission: Automatic
  • Supplier: 31
  • Seats: 4
  • Engine Power (hp): 400
  • Engine Capacity: 4806
  • Maximum Speed (km/h): 285
  • Driver's Age: 25
  • GPS
From 745 EUR 
From 71 379 RUB
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Cost is specified in Euro (EUR). 
prices may vary due to exchange rates

Number of days

Daily rate, EUR
200 km/day included
 1 day 1.065 EUR
 2-6 days 850 EUR
 7+ days 745 EUR
Additional kilometer price 4,00 EUR


  • Deductible (LDD) 30.000 EUR
  • Reduced deductible (LDDR) 8.000 EUR, daily fee 100 EUR

The Porsche Panamera has a performance that may do justice to many two-seaters sport cars.

It is a four-seaters Porsche with an elegant profile characterized by a perfect equilibrium of proportions. The interior is spacious and, from the driver, everyone can enjoy a single seat that assure comfort and lateral containment to the passengers. The choice is also functional to the optimization of the curve dynamics, a solution that Porsche has implemented in order to satisfy the high performance and confort.